Get Summer Ready
30-Day Summer Tune-Up
Virtual Group Offering
You're invited to Reset & Recharge your life with my 30-Day Tune-Up Program. We've all been through so much this last year and it now looks like we will be able to enjoy the
2021 summer months so let's get ready together.
This is a 4-week virtual group program (each session is 45-60 minutes) that I've designed to help reset and recharge your health and life. You will receive a complete 14 day food cleanse that will help release toxins and excess bloat from your body. You will discover how food affects the way you feel and how to use what you've learned to achieve optimal health and lasting change.
Along with the cleanse you will receive an electronic Live well With Tina Healthy and Clean Eating Cookbook, and 4 weeks of group Habit Change Coaching with me, a board certified health coach.
Benefits of this program are:
Shed excess weight (especially abdominal weight)
Boost your energy
Feel lighter and cleaner
Decrease your craving for unhealthy foods
Improve sleep
Improve your digestion (less bloat and gas)
Enhance your body's ability to mobilize and excrete toxins
Clearer skin
Discover food sensitivities
Group motivation
Start to create healthy habits
The Program will be offered virtually via Zoom beginning Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at 6:30 PM and will then meet each Tuesday through Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 6:30 PM. You will receive a Zoom meeting invite once your registration is complete. You can register using the link below.
I am offering this group program for $157 and must have a minimum of 5 people to proceed. So, tell your friends and let's Get Summer Ready together!